Health Services
Health Room Treatment of Illnesses / Injuries
Please review the current health room Treatment of Illness and Injury protocols followed district wide. Please contact your child's building nurse if you would like your child to "opt out" of any emergency treatments (Epipens, Benadryl, etc) and if you have any questions.
Health Services
Administration of Medication
We recommend that students take all medicines at home; however, we recognize that certain health problems require students to take medication during school hours. Medication must be kept in the health office at all times. There are certain circumstances where students are allowed to self carry / self administer medications such as epinephrine and asthma inhalers. Please contact your child's building nurse for information and guidance. Additional medication information under "Helpful Resources".
- It must be delivered to the nurse’s office by a parent/guardian or other responsible adult designee, in its original packaging, and properly labeled by the pharmacy or physician’s office or in the manufacturer’s original container for over the counter medications.
- Written and dated consent from the parent/guardian giving specific directions for use must accompany the medication.
Immunization Information
The Northwest Area School District abides by the Pennsylvania state mandated immunization guidelines. As per the Pennsylvania Department of Health Division of Immunizations, we may exclude students from instruction who do not have the current, required immunizations.
You are welcome to contact the nurses with any questions and / or concerns:
- Middle School/High School
Carmela Shiptoski, MSN RN NCSN
(570) 542-4126, ext. 1113 - Intermediate School
Karen Muldoon, MS RN CSN
(570) 542-4126, ext 2002 - Primary School
Corenna Wagner, LPN
(570) 542-4126, ext 3009